CV Generators

- Time Knob RMS response time.
- dB Meter Shows the level of the input in decibels (including gain).
- Gain Knob Gain applied to RMS output.
- Output Level Shows the RMS output voltage.
- Inputs Audio signal that will be measured (stereo).
- RMS Output Root mean square of the input signal.
Overview ⚓︎
The RMS module generates a CV envelope from an audio signal by calculating its root mean square (RMS).
RMS is a good indicator of perceived loudness, but does not react to quick changes in source amplitude. For a more dynamic envelope generator that reacts quickly to transients, consider using the Envelope Follower.

Usage ⚓︎
Connect an audio signal to the input. For a mono source, only connect to the leftmost input jack.
When the source is stereo, the RMS output will be the average of the left and right channel RMS.
The root mean square of the signal will be computed over the time period specified with the Time knob. The RMS output will be more stable with a longer time, but will react more quickly to changes in the input level with a shorter time.
The RMS output is always positive. Use the Gain knob to scale it appropriately. Keep in mind that CV signals in Multiphonics should generally be 10V peak-to-peak for optimal usefulness.