Multiphonics CV-3 Manual

Version 3.0.0



  1. Oscilloscope Display Shows the waveform of the connected signal.
  2. Time Base Knob Sets the horizontal scaling of the display.
  3. Trigger Level Knob Sets the voltage threshold for the synchronization trigger signal.
  4. Trigger Slope Selector Sets whether the display will synchronize when the trigger crosses the threshold on a descending or ascending slope.
  5. Trigger Input When the connected signal crosses the threshold set by the Trigger Level knob, a new display frame is recorded. Normalled to the signal input.
  6. Signal Input Signal whose waveform will be displayed.
  7. Vertical Scaling Knob Sets the vertical scaling of the display. When centered, the display will be from -10V to +10V.


The µScope is the little sibling of the Oscilloscope module. It offers a single channel with optional external trigger at a fraction of the rack space.


  • Connect a signal to the In jack.

  • Set the Time Base (horizontal scaling) to an appropriate value for the signal. When the Time Base is set to above 500 milliseconds (or below 2 Hz), the display switches to roll mode: it stops synchronizing to the trigger and instead scrolls slowly to show the evolution of the signal over a longer time span.

  • Set the vertical scaling knob (next to the input) to an appropriate value for the signal.

If the display is not stable, the signal is probably crossing the threshold multiple times per period. Try adjusting the Trigger Level knob.

If the display is still not stable, the input signal may be too complex. In that case, you can synchronize it by connecting a simple oscillator signal running at the same frequency into the Trig input. A good choice is the Classic VCO sawtooth output, as adjusting the trigger level will let you freely position the waveform display horizontally.

Read the Oscilloscope manual for more information on how an oscilloscope can be used. Keep in mind that the µScope has only one channel and that its horizontal scaling knob is called Time Base instead of H Scale.


Two sine waves triggered at -2V on ascending and descending slopes Complex FM signal synchronized with a sawtooth trigger Roll mode showing a VCO amplitude modulated by a triangle LFO

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