
- Gate Input Gate signal inverter input.
- Gate Output Inverted gate signal. High (10V) when input is low, and low (0V) when input is high.
- Envelope Input Envelope signal inverter input. Optimized for unipolar signals (0V to 10V).
- Envelope Output Inverted envelope signal (0V→10V, 10V→0V).
- LFO Input LFO signal inverter input. Optimized for bipolar signals (-5V to 5V).
- LFO Output LFO signal with inverted polarity (5V→-5V, -5V→5V).
- Audio Input Audio-rate signal inverter input.
- Audio Output Audio-rate signal with inverted polarity (5V→-5V, -5V→5V).
Overview ⚓︎
The Inverter module inverts different types of signals.
Since different signal types have different definitions for what it means to invert them, this module provides 4 different algorithms, each with its own input and output.
The first three sections run at CV rate and provide small level meters to show their effect.
Despite the section names, any kind of signal can be connected to any input. The names only indicate the type of signal we had in mind when we designed each inverting algorithm.
In Depth ⚓︎
Gate Algorithm ⚓︎
This section was designed to invert gates and any other kind of binary signal. No matter what the input voltage is, the output will be either 0V (low) or 10V (high).

Input | Output |
>= 2V | 0V |
< 2V | 10V |
The Gate section can be used as a Not logic gate to complement the Logic module.
Envelope Algorithm ⚓︎
The Env section inverts unipolar signals between 0V and 10V with this simple formula:
output = 10V - input

LFO and Audio Algorithms ⚓︎
The last two algorithms work the same way: they simply reverse the polarity of the signal. This is useful for bipolar signals such as LFO or VCO outputs.

The only difference between the two sections is that the LFO section runs at CV rate and the Audio section runs at audio rate, so if you want to invert an audio signal be sure to use the Audio section.
Connecting an audio signal into the LFO input will brutally downsample it to the internal CV rate. The output will be inverted, but it will also become a lo-fi noisy mess. Go ahead and try it!
Connecting a LFO signal into the Audio input will work, but it will waste some precious CPU cycles converting a CV-rate signal into an audio-rate signal.