
- Max Tracks the connected input with the highest voltage.
- ↑ Mid Tracks the input with the second highest voltage if there are at least 3 connected inputs (same as Max otherwise).
- ↓ Mid Tracks the connected input with the second lowest voltage if there are at least 3 connected inputs (same as Min otherwise).
- Min Tracks the connected input with the lowest voltage.
- Delta Difference between the Max and Min outputs.
- A>B Gate signal. High when the signal on In A is greater than on In B.
- B>C Gate signal. High when the signal on In B is greater than on In C.
- C>D Gate signal. High when the signal on In C is greater than on In D.
- In A, B, C, D Signals to be compared.
Overview ⚓︎
Compares and sorts CV or audio signals.
Up to 4 signals can be connected to In A through In D.
The module has three main sections: the inputs, the compare outputs and the sort outputs.

Compare Outputs ⚓︎
The middle section generates gates by comparing input pairs.
If the signal connected to In A is greater than the one on In B, then the A>B output will be high (10V). Otherwise it will be low (0V).
You can guess what B>C and C>D do.
A LED will turn on when the gate is high.
Unconnected inputs take the value of 0V. To get a high gate when a signal is above 0V, connect it to In A and use the A>B output (A>0). To get a high gate when a signal is lower than 0, connect the signal to In B and use the A>B output (0>B is the same as B<0).
If the module is used with audio signals, these outputs will sound like incredibly distorted mixes of their inputs.
Sort Outputs ⚓︎
The upper section sorts the connected input signals from highest to lowest. Unconnected inputs are ignored.
This can be used to generate complex evolving CVs from multiple LFOs or envelopes, or to mix multiple audio signals with a lo-fi, fuzzy, buzzy sound.
- If there are 4 connected inputs, all outputs will be different.
- If there are 3 connected inputs, both Mid outputs will have the same middle value.
- If there are 2 connected inputs, Max and ↑ Mid will output the highest value, while Min and ↓ Mid will output the lowest value.
- If there is 1 connected input, it will be routed to all outputs.
- If no input is connected, all outputs will be at 0V.
Sort Examples
4 Inputs
Inputs: A = -3V, B = 2V, C = 1V, D = 5V.
Outputs: Max = 5V, ↑ Mid = 2V, ↓ Mid = 1V, Min = -3V
3 Inputs
Inputs: A = 4V, B = -5V, C = -1V, D is unconnected.
Outputs: Max = 4V, ↑ Mid = -1V, ↓ Mid = -1V, Min = -5V
2 Inputs
Inputs: A = -3V, C = 1V, B and D are unconnected.
Outputs: Max = 1V, ↑ Mid = 1V, ↓ Mid = -3V, Min = -3V
Delta ⚓︎
When at least two inputs are connected, the Delta output is the difference between the highest and the lowest.
If only one input is connected, it will be the absolute value of the input, which means that this module can act as a full-wave rectifier. It works perfectly for CV signals, but there’s no attempt to mitigate aliasing artifacts at audio rate.
This output is always positive. If you want to use it for audio, we recommend filtering out the DC component with a µHP filter with a low cutoff frequency.
For example, if A is -3V, B is 2V, C is 1V and D is 5V, then Max will be 5V, ↑ Mid will be 2V, ↓ Mid will be 1V and Min will be -3V.