Dual VCA

- CV Input Controls the amplitude of the output signal linearly. 0V means 0% (no output). In VCA + mode, 10V means 100%, while in VCA ± and Ring modes, 5V is 100% and -5V is 100% with inverted polarity.
- Bias Knob Voltage added to the CV inputs.
- Vel Input Modulates the CV and Bias voltage with an exponential curve (0V=0bB).
- Mode Button Switches between three modes of operation. VCA + is a standard two-quadrant VCA, VCA ± is a four-quadrant VCA that can invert the polarity of the input signal, and Ring is an audio-rate four-quadrant multiplier for ring modulation effects.
- VCA Input 1 First signal that will be amplified or attenuated by the CV signals and the Bias control.
- VCA Input 2 Second signal that will be amplified or attenuated by the CV signals and the Bias control.
- VCA Output 1 Output signal for Input 1.
- VCA Output 1 Output signal for Input 2.
Overview ⚓︎
The Dual VCA is identical to the VCA, except that the CV, Bias and Vel inputs control the amplitude of two signals.
This can be useful for stereo patches.
See VCA for in-depth explanations.